Quick Weekend Trip in October

I impulse-booked another trip.

Bryan and Jonathan, formerly of the All About The Mouse podcast, are hosting an IllumiNations dessert party at Epcot on October 1. These are the guys who took the time to read my surprise email to Amanda on their finale show last month. They’re also the guys who inspired me to run my first 5k race and the half-marathon this year. So I decided to take a quick weekend trip to join them at this party. I’ll fly down Friday after work. IllumiNations is at 9pm that night, so that gives me a couple hours after arrival to get over to Epcot.

Oh but wait, there’s more. I also found out that this so happens to be the weekend of the Wine & Dine Half-marathon. No, I’m not running that. But I am going to do a 5K in the Magic Kingdom on Saturday morning. So that means I also have to get over to the Wide World of Sports for packet-pickup on Friday night, between checking in and getting to Epcot. Not quite sure how that will work, but I’ll figure it out.

Then on Saturday evening, Bryan and Jonathan will be having a group dinner at Biergarten in Epcot’s Germany pavilion. I’ve reserved a spot at that dinner as well. Then I’m taking off Sunday evening and heading back home. It should be a very good, very busy, weekend at Disney.

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4 Responses to Quick Weekend Trip in October

  1. We’ll be there in October too! We have never gone in October so I am looking forward to it. Great blog, BTW 😉

    • Paul Lalli says:


      October is one of my favorite times to go. Food & Wine Festival, Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party, the weather is mild, the crowds are usually pretty light. It’s a great time. Hope you have fun!

  2. Amanda Rose says:

    ohmygod thats a lot of trips!!

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